Why hasn’t Jersey (or you) embraced coworking?


Hi, we're 20Lemons

Marketing should never feel chaotic. Our approach brings clarity and purpose to your strategy, turning what once felt overwhelming into something as refreshing and satisfying as a glass of cool, crisp lemonade.

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Several years ago I started my marketing company, 20 Lemons. I began as do most consultants out of my house. I scheduled meeting after meeting, running from one client or prospect to the next. I would drink an insane amount of coffee, while either staying at a diner or Panera for hours. There had to be a better way.

I had heard of locations in New York, such as In Good Company, where women entrepreneurs could come and go as needed. It sounded amazing! Shortly after New Jersey opened it’s first coworking space, Launchpad Creatives. I had opened with a partner and after having many conversations regarding would it be successful we were sure the location would be flooded. To our surprise we were ahead of the market and Jersey just wasn’t ready for this.

Fast forward to January 15, 2016. New Jersey has over 6 locations with many more in conversation. I have these conversations all of the time! While I am extremely excited to see more people being open to this, I cannot help but wonder why more people are not embracing it?

Is it is that we like our personal space to much? Or are we so focused our projects that we don’t see the benefit of being in collaborative environments? I am proud to say that our location continues to bring in mature professionals who have been in the industry for a while, and who are looking to develop a community for themselves. I am proud to say that the people who have come to this time and time again tell us how productive they are when they are here, and how this environment has allowed for them to grow.

Therefore, I challenge you to try one. Come visit us www.coworkinginjersey.com , or go and visit another location near you. Something tells me that in 2016 big things will be coming to Coworking in Jersey – where will you be on the continuum.